Stay connected from wherever you are to the latest things happening at Redeemer Lutheran Church.

  • Summer Food Drive Canvass

    Our summer community service event is supporting the pantry at Pauline Apartments. Mark your calendars for Wednesday evening, July 24 and 31, at 7 pm. We will drop off tote bags at 300 homes in our neighborhood on July 24 and pick them up on July 31.

  • growth groups update

    Growth groups are small groups of Redeemer members who commit to meeting for one hour a month to grow closer as friendsThe next round of growth groups are meeting from May to July. Look out for more information from your facilitators for when and where to meet.

  • Yearly Member Visits

    Pastor Jacob Haag would like to increase member visits to every year. Available times include during the day, evenings, or Saturdays. Look for an email to schedule a time.

  • multi-site possibility

    Thank you to those who participated in the recent open forum on multi-site ministry with Trinity, Saline. More information was emailed to the congregation, and more information will be shared in the future. In the meantime, feel free to express any thoughts to Pastor Jacob Haag or a member of our church council.

  • women's retreat

    St. Jacob in Grass Lake is hosting a one-day women’s retreat on Saturday, September 28 from 9:30 am–4pm. on the basis of Ephesians 6:10–17. If you would like more information or would like to receive a registration form, please contact Laura Gallaway ( or 517-769-2564).

  • adult bible study & sunday school

    The last Sunday for Bible study and Sunday School was on May 12. We will resume in September.

  • rlca2 facebook page

    More content keeps coming to Redeemer's Facebook page (@RLCA2). In particular, check out the new video series "Weekend Previews," which gives a short (3 minute) look at what the Sunday service will be about. These videos are especially ideal to share with non-churched friends online.